… to a lesbian conception adventure!

16 Weeks :)

Super smiley face this week as I say goodbye to allthetime nausea and hello to… well, exhaustion. Like getting-back-from-a-ten-hour-plane-ride-and-facing-jet-lag exhaustion that I have not experienced since flying home from Hawaii. It’s a trade-off, I guess.

This week I have had far fewer symptoms overall except the exhaustion, my belly continues to get bumpier, and by God, I finally FEEL pregnant even when I’m not focusing on pregnancy-related matters. I have spent lots of my anxious time hoping that I will feel movement and even asked C this weekend if she thought it was okay that I was holding my breath in the hopes of feeling something (she did not).

My biggest complaint this week is with my closet. My jeans are still fitting (with a belly band) but I have stacks of clothes that no longer fit. Apparently, I love form-fitting clothes and apparently my form has changed too much for those clothes to still fit. Cue endless grumbling in the morning. I was getting up significantly earlier to manage my morning sickness; now that that’s done, I’m getting up early enough to spend twenty minutes in the closet deciding which of the five shirts that still work will be lucky enough to be chosen. My boss tells me I’m noticing it more than anyone and that might be true, but I also think she might not be paying much attention.

Overall, I’m very happy with how things seem to be progressing. I will be a bit happier after the midwife appointment next week (confirmation of all going well is always a good thing) but it finally feels like we are on track to having a baby ( and I write that with only a little nervous superstitious feeling, which is a huge improvement!)

This is the tenth day of hearts, love, and candy that C and I have had together and we are spending it like we’ve spent all of them – in a low-key manner with a few special touches here and there. I did splurge on a massage for her because with all the extra weight she’s been carrying around the house, she deserves it (and needs it, quite honestly). She’s bringing home dinner tonight (so excited – I actually KNEW what I wanted for dinner… and I STILL WANT IT!) and we’re going to enjoy time together.

Comments on: "16 Weeks :)" (2)

  1. Awwww I’m glad the nausea is finally gone!!! YES!

    Happy Vday, lol @ you and your food excitement. =)

  2. Yay to feeling better! At some point I just took everything out of my closet that didn’t fit anymore because it made me too angry to get a whole outfit planned and then not have it fit! Also, have you tried lying on your stomach to see if you feel flutters? Soon they’ll be noticible all the time, but a little pressure can help you suss them out! 🙂

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